Portrait (2016)

Tinsel Gallery is very excited to present this year's group show, which will comprise a collection of contemporary jewellery as well as fine art in response to the theme "portrait". All the artists have responded to the theme in different and interesting ways, which will make for a wide variety of work and a great show.


A group show featuring lots of talented contemporary jewellers and fine artists:

Carine Ackerman; Jan Bekker; Conrad Botes; Errico Cassar; Geraldine Fenn; Joani Groenewald; Marita Johnson; Alisa Knoblaugh; Carla Kruger; Kathlyn Lange; Eric Loubser; Liz Loubser; Frieda Luhl; Anne Manaczynski; Inge Marais; Meagan Meredith; Sylvia Mckeown; Nina Newman; Rachelle Poon; Anine Roos; Nicky Savage; Shelagh Scholes; Mariet Schwalb; Emily Stainer; Carine Terreblanche; Mariette Theron; Gela Tolken; Karien van Langelaar; Frank van Reenen; Hermien van Staden; Nanette Veldsman; Samantha Vincent; Gina Waldman; Erika Wessels

Exhibition Details

Opening: Saturday 12 November 2016, 10am – 3pm

Runs until: Friday 2 December 2016

Tinsel Gallery: 11 Cecilia Avenue, Risidale (011) 782 4051

For more information please contact geraldine@tinsel.co.za